Safety is our number one priority!
Health & Vaccines:
Dogs must be in good health and current on their vaccinations including canine Bordatella, Rabies, Parvo, Distemper, Lepto, Parainfluenza. Dogs must be in good health, free of diarrhea, cough, runny nose, vomiting for at least 72 hours prior to attending. Dogs must be free of worms, fleas, ticks, etc. to attend our facility.
We recommend the Bordatella vaccine is administered every 6 months to your dog. We also recommend the Influenza vaccine bivalent for both strains H3N2 & H3N8.
Please be respectful, our policy to visit or participate in any service at K9cation is to have a scheduled appointment.
Aggressive/Dangerous Dogs/Behavior Issues:
We do accept some dogs with behavior issues. Dogs with various behavior issues may not be allowed to participate in group play, pack runs or other activities at the discretion of K9cation staff to ensure the safety of your dog and all our guests and/or our family. Additional fees may apply at the discretion of K9cation. You are responsible for your dog's behavior, please keep your dog away from other dogs and people while attending our facility. o help ensure your dog's safety, please notify us if your dog has ever escaped, is a runner, or has any history of not staying in a suite/lodging setup, crate destruction etc. If your dog has ever been in a fight, or bitten another person or dog where skin has been broken please notify us.
Breed Recommendations:
If you have a Husky, Malamute, Dutch Shepherd, Mallinois, Stafford Shire Terrier/Pit Bull your dog may need evaluated prior to attending our facility for lodging. We highly recommend a daycare visit for these breeds prior to lodging with us to ensure your dog is a good fit with our facility.
Signed Agreements & Shot Records Due Prior To Your Arrival:
You must complete and adhere to our digital agreements and provide your vaccine records online. You can text, email or upload your shot records.
Boarding Feeding:
Bring your dog's food in meal portioned sandwich baggies or gallon sized for free feeders. A daily fee will be assessed for dogs that run out of food or do not have the food portioned into meals. *Slow feeders are allowed, please do not bring other dishes.
Refusal of Service:
We may refuse service to any client who is not a fit with our facility. As much as you're interviewing us as your chosen facility of care, we are interviewing you and your pup to ensure you're a good fit for our programs.
Bring your dog hungry, do not feed them before class. Bring whatever leash and collar you're currently using. We will offer recommendations and offer products on site. Bring high value treats. Dress comfortably and in layers, prepare for outside elements as we may work inside an indoor arena with sand footing.
In Tact:
We do accept some in tact dogs. Dogs over 6 months may be assessed an additional fee at our discretion.
In Heat:
We recommend caged facilities for in heat dogs, but will make some exceptions for in heat dogs for our established clients. In heat dogs should not participate in training without permission from K9cation.
Mystery Illness Update 11/21/23:
Dear K9cation Clients and Pups,
As you have heard, there is a canine respiratory virus that has affected some dogs across the nation with some cases in South Metro Colorado. We are aware and following this situation closely and are taking increased precautions here at K9cation to keep your furry family members as safe as possible.
We have spoken with our local veterinarian experts and they have said they have no current cases of kennel cough, nor have they seen the mystery illness that is being tracked. Our local vets are recommending that you avoid unvaccinated areas such as dog parks and apartment complex play yards and increase your dog's general hygiene practices by ensuring your dog is current on their vaccines. According to our veterinarians the dogs that are most at risk are the unvaccinated, dogs with weakened immunity, senior or young pups, and those dogs that never go to dog boarding or daycare. As you know, viruses are invisible and we must all do our part to keep our furry family and friends safe. At K9cation we require vaccines and do not accept any dogs that have symptoms of illness. One recommendation from our local vet to help protect your dog is to consider adding K9 Influenza vaccine to your dog's immunizations, the most effective being the bivalent vaccine that covers for both strains H3N2 & H3N8.
Each day we disinfect surfaces with a veterinary grade disinfectant that fights against bacteria, virus, and fungus. We also sanitize and freshen our communal waters regularly. Further, as always, we are evaluating each camper at drop-off for any signs of illness including but not limited to: cough, runny nose, eye discharge, diarrhea, vomiting, or any signs of your pet not feeling their best. DO NOT BRING YOUR DOG IF IT HAS HAD ANY SYMPTOMS OF ILLNESS. We will not accept any dog that has shown any symptom especially a cough within the last 72 hours. If a dog exhibits symptoms of illness during their stay, they will be immediately separated from any other dog and an owner/emergency contact will be notified to come pick the dog up immediately.
Please ensure your client profile is complete with your vaccination records, and your current emergency contact that will be able to pick your pet up same-day. You can update this information in our app, by calling/texting 720-546-7837 or at drop off. Again, if we see any symptoms we will immediately contact you and ask to have the emergency contact pick up your dog, or we will work with you to seek medical attention for your dog.
Please Note: Always contact your veterinarian for medical advice. This information is for general information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose any illness or take the place of professional medical advice from your veterinarian.
We love all of our campers and want everyone happy and healthy when they come to play! We value your trust in us to care for your furbaby and we will continue to do everything we can to keep your dog safe.
Thank you for your trust in each of us at K9cation.